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Below is a selection of articles that we have selected because of their specific interest

Hearing Health and Dermatology

When it comes to skin conditions, we usually associate these with symptoms such as rashes on our arms or dry skin on our faces, but a lot of people might not realise that they can also affect our ears.

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Hearing Aids Just Got Even Smarter! – Virtual Event

Join our Virtual Event, hosted on Zoom at 12:30pm on Friday 19th May, to find out just how clever hearing aids really are, and also how the latest models can reduce the annoyance of sounds like wind noise and sharp sounds like cutlery and doors slamming.

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Studies Show Link Between Dementia & Untreated Hearing Loss

A recent study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public Health discovered that older adults living with untreated hearing loss were more likely to suffer from dementia compared to those using hearing aids

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The History of Hearing Aids and Listening Devices

Hearing loss is not a new condition in the slightest, people have been living with and trying to cure hearing loss for centuries.

Join us as we take a look at where the brilliant hearing aids we have today originated- you will be shocked to see just how far the technology has progressed!

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Getting the most out of the festive period as a hearing aid user

We all look forward to celebrating with family or friends at this time of year, but wearing a hearing aid can mean that conversation is extra challenging at social events. 


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The Dangers of Overusing Headphones

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently shared some startling news: "it is thought that over 1 billion people aged 12 to 35 years old risk losing their hearing due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud music and other recreational sounds"

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Tips for Summer Travel with Hearing Aids

If you’re one of the many people hoping to get away and you’re living with a hearing loss, you shouldn’t let it stop you from travelling, you just need to remember a few extra things before you hit the road!

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What To Expect From Your Hearing Aid Fitting Appointment

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that 1.5 billion people globally live with a hearing loss of some sort, and that by 2050 there could be over 700 million people with a disabling hearing loss.

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Our St Andrews Clinic is Moving!

Learn all about the exciting relocation of our St Andrews practice and our temporary premises while we prepare our new clinic for you.

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World Hearing Day 2022: To hear for life, listen with care!

World Hearing Day is held on 3rd March each year. The day and events surrounding it are promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness on the prevention of hearing loss and promote healthy hearing practices worldwide.

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Talking Tinnitus - Virtual Event

Find out the facts about tinnitus, including the latest research and a first-hand account of a tinnitus journey at our free Virtual Hearing Event

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Join our Virtual Hearing Event - Let us help you hear more, with less effort

Find out about the amazing advances in hearing aid technology over the past 18 months

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Untreated Hearing Loss & Dementia

New research from the University of Oxford has found that hearing loss is linked to an increased risk of dementia. For World Alzheimer's Day, we look into the research linking the two conditions.

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Have you heard the news? Hearing is critical for a healthy and happy life, but most people can’t remember having it checked

We've commissioned some research to find out more about people’s attitudes to hearing and how it impacts their lives.  

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Watch Our Edinburgh Clinic Relocation Video!

Edinburgh's oldest hearing care centre has found a new home inthe West End!

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Get Ready for a Summer of Sound

Find some of our top tips for ensuring you’re able to enjoy this summer of sound to the full!

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Don't Let Hearing Loss Prolong Your Isolation

Like the majority of our senses, it’s easy to underestimate the importance of good hearing until you no longer have it.

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Tips for Dealing with Tinnitus

Struggling to cope with the symptoms of tinnitus? Read on for some helpful hints and tips on how to deal with them.

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Exciting changes to the House of Hearing St Andrews clinic

There have been some exciting changes to our St Andrews clnic which we'd like to share with you

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Why we Stayed Open for Ear Care Throughout Lockdown

Living with hearing loss is not easy and even more so when a lockdown was imposed to help relieve the spread of Coronavirus back at the end of March. The lockdown created a more concentrated situation in which, even having a mild hearing loss the feelings of isolation and being cut off from loved ones was much more pronounced.

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World Hearing Day – Hearing for Life

Don’t Let Hearing Loss Limit you

Every year the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates ‘World Hearing Day’ and the information distributed around this unique event is of real interest to those with hearing loss.

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Try Before You Buy Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are more effective than ever and deliver daily on the promise of better hearing when fitted by a trained hearing aid Audiologist.

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Missed out at Christmas?

Reduced levels of hearing can cause concerns and worries, especially during the holidays when more time is spent with friends and family.

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Can ear wax blocking your ears make you deaf?

When people experience a blockage of their ears through excessive or impacted ear wax

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Best Hearing Aids 2019

We are often asked what are the best hearing aids in 2019?

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Why can’t I get my ears syringed?

For many years the most common way of treating patients with blocked ears was to use a big syringe full of warm water to wash the build up of wax out of the ears.

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Happy birthday to us!

Happy birthday to us!   We're celebrating our 50th birthday. 

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Conductive Hearing Loss: Signs, Causes, and Treatments

Conductive hearing loss, or CHL, is widely considered by professionals and audiologists to be the most common form of hearing loss.

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Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?

Hearing loss is an irreversible condition that cannot be cured, but with proper care treatment, it can be managed.

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Ear Infections & Hearing Loss

The Diagnosed Ear Infection An ear infection must be taken seriously because the untreated infections in the ear can cause permanent damage.

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All about hearing protection

In the UK, we have about 11 million individuals with hearing loss. Ageing is the most prevalent cause of this hearing loss, and we can do little about it.

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Professor Kevin Munro is on the verge of curing deafness

Hearing loss is an increasing national health problem. Approximately 1 in 6 adults in the UK are impacted by hearing loss.

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September is World Alzheimer’s Month

This month at House of Hearing, we want to draw attention to Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI)

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Why are People Ashamed of Hearing Loss?

A 1983 article in The New York Times noted the then-president Ronald Reagan had just been fitted for a hearing aid.

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Does Tinnitus Cause Hearing Loss?

Approximately 30 percent of those in the UK will experience tinnitus at some stage in their life, and about 13 percent (over 1 in 8) are living with constant tinnitus.

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Can Hearing Loss Be Restored?

1 in 6 of the adult population of the United Kingdom is impacted by hearing loss. This affects communication, relationships, health and even earning power.

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Advantages of Rechargeable Hearing Aids

You’re already enjoying the convenience and power of rechargeable batteries all of your other devices. Why not do the same with your hearing aid?

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Hearing Aids Keep You Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy

The most important thing in life is to be happy. And how do you achieve that? By maintaining good health, good connections with your friends and family.

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Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss

The UK is home to 11 million individuals with hearing loss which is about one in six of us. However, there are many more who are undiagnosed.

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Hearing Aids vs. Hearing Amplifiers

The American Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) recently released a warning about hearing amplifiers

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How to Prevent Swimmers Ear

Summer is here and it’s time to hit the pool. But you might want to take some precautions if you’re jumping into a public bath.

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Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Sense of Balance

We already know that hearing loss could put you on the path to dementia, depression, stress and anxiety. But did you know it could also make you less stable.

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Lifestyle Changes that Help Older Scots Thrive

According to recent findings by the Office for National Statistics, we are living longer, but not necessarily more healthily.

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Useful Apps for People with Hearing Loss

Approximately 11 million people have either deafness or hearing loss in the UK, according to the charity Action on Hearing Loss.

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Hearing Loss in the Workplace

Hearing loss is not just a problem for those who are retired, it also affects those working age too.

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Why Do People Shy Away from Treating Hearing Loss?

There are 11 million people with hearing loss across the UK, and only 40% of those are using a hearing aid.

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Starkey Launches the First AI Hearing Aid in the UK

Artificial Intelligence (or AI for short) has been transforming the technological landscape for the past few years.

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Oxford Student on Being Hearing Impaired at University

Deaf and hard of hearing students need to speak up at their universities if they want their needs to be taken more seriously and reach their full potential.

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New Standards to Protect Young Peoples' Hearing

"Hearing loss is on the rise around the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that by 2050, more than 900 million people will have disabling hearing loss.

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Keep mishearing things(2019)?

Do you, or does someone you know, keep mishearing things? Well, why not book a free, no obligation consultation with one of our qualified hearing aid audiologists?

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Hearing Loss Affects More than Your Ears

We all know that hearing loss is bad news for your ears, but did you know that it could affect your mental health?

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On March 3, Celebrate World Hearing Day by Checking Your Hearing!

March the 3rd is officially World Hearing Day. This is a day promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness on prevention of hearing loss.

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Symptoms of Memory Loss Could Actually Be Hearing Loss

Those who are showing signs of memory loss could in fact have a hearing problem, and this memory loss could be the start of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Tips for Better Communication with People with Hearing Loss

Those who suffer from hearing loss can find it.

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Tinnitus Could be Prevented in Younger Populations

Affecting 1 in 10 adults in the UK, tinnitus is a growing problem in our increasingly noisy world.

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Staying Independent As You Age Involves Treating Your Hearing Loss

As we reach a certain point in our life, we get to rest after a job well done.

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Add an Annual Hearing Test To Your New Year's Resolutions!

Making a New Year's resolution is a great way to make a positive change in your life, whether it means getting that gym membership or prioritizing sleep.

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Cognition and Age-Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss negatively affects the health of the brain as it ages--but why?

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A Call for Captions in Public Venues to Improve Accessibility

Seeing a film on the big screen, attending a play or taking in the latest art exhibition: it’s easy to take these culturally enriching experiences for granted.

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Improving Children's Access to Hearing Health Care

Each year in the UK, around 840 infants are born with a significant hearing impairment. Thankfully, this represents only a small selection of all births in a year.

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Our Clinics

All House of Hearing clinics are in town centre locations and accessible to public transport and parking. Home visits also available if mobility is an issue.