Oticon Dynamo: Unique technology to provide you with a seamless hearing experience

Oticon Dynamo: Unique technology to provide you with a seamless hearing experience

The Oticon Dynamo hearing aid is a hearing aid like no other. But what makes the Dynamo so different? Well, the aid uses Oticon's special BrainHearing technology, meaning it is made in a unique way - with the brain first in mind. The BrainHearing technology provides users with a perfect hearing experience, with the device's technology enabling some great features. With BrainHearing Technology, your hearing aid will enable you to organise sounds and get well orientated with your surroundings, understand speech and switch your focus in a conversation, hear better even in challenging environments, and listen according to your own personal preferences. However, it doesn't end there. The Oticon Dynamo packs in many features to give you a comfortable, smooth sound, to help you get on with your life without having to worry about your hearing. Amongst the features that the Dynamo offers, is the Oticon Speech Rescue technology. This unique addition to the hearing aid ensures you don't miss a thing, making sure no sounds, such as those at high frequencies, are not lost. Many hearing aids lose sounds such as "s" and "th", but the Oticon moves them to a lower frequency range, that you are able to hear. This means you can hear everything you need, with Oticon claiming it gives you a "more complete sound experience". The Oticon Dynamo also features the Speech Guard E, Oticon's advanced compression system. This works alongside the aforementioned Speech Rescue, to capture as many speech details as possible. This means you will be able to experience variations in voices, speech intensity and distance, helping you to fully understand speech.     Something that ruins both your hearing experience, and reduced the discreteness of your hearing aid, is feedback. There's nothing more annoying than your hearing aid whistling like an old fashioned kettle when you're talking on the phone or giving someone a hug. Dynamo features another of Oticon's remarkable pieces of technology - the Inium Sense feedback shield. This means you can still reap the benefits of a great quality sound without those annoyances. It's not all about the hearing technology built into the Dynamo hearing aid providing you with brilliant sound quality - it can do other things to make your life easier too. For example, you can use your hearing aid as a phone, thanks to the Oticon ConnectLine. Using special wireless technology, your phone can be connected to your hearing aid, providing you with instant, clear sound, so you can have an easy, seamless conversation. ConnectLine can do more than just phone calls though - music players, computers and your television can all be connected to the Dynamo in the same way.     The Dynamo is available in seven colours, such as diamond black and steel grey, meaning you can choose one to match your skin and hair tones and wear it discreetly. Other colours available are silver, chroma beige, terracotta, chestnut brown and silver grey. So, if you're looking for a hearing aid to do everything you need and more at an exceptional level of quality, then the Oticon Dynamo could be just for you. With highly developed technology ensuring a uniquely good hearing experience, the Dynamo should definitely be on your shortlist when considering a new hearing aid. To find out more about the Oticon Dynamo, go to the official Oticon website. To get more help and information on choosing the Dynamo as your new hearing aid, contact House of Hearing by using this form, or by giving us a call on 0131 220 1220. House of Hearing is based in four centres across Scotland, in Edinburgh, Perth, St Andrews and Galashiels, while home visits can also be made to cater to your hearing needs.
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